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No. BB1643 Price 7  

Themes ATM Stamp & postal history Type
USA ATM STAMP service class"" inscribed black&white design on color mailbox ERROR This will probably be your only chance to buy a complete set of ""rate inscribed"" error stamps! The APC kiosks from the US Postal Service have small ""mail class inscribed"" labels that can be purchased when selecting to mail an item. There are 29 different inscribed labels that can result from this, for various classes of mail ranging from first class, parcel, international, priority and express mail (see further below for a complete listing). Getting a full set of labels is 1) very time consuming and 2) not that easy if you don't know your way around the APC! The average consumer might take an hour or longer to get all of these (some require specific choices in order to get the small labels instead of the large ones). Most people seem to have concentrated finding these errors with the 6 forever designs. To my knowledge, NO ONE has ever offered this kind of a set! Offered here is the full set of 29 different ""black & white barcode matrix"" labels on the color mailbox labels. The color mailbox postage labels were only supposed to be for the Forever postage rates. These particular designs with the service class inscriptions was supposed to have been printed as Fold-Here labels on the large label printer. BUT, because the USPS personnel installed color mailbox labels AND left the kiosk in the black&white label mode, this resulted in the error you see here (technically it is not a printing error, but a ""wrong label stock"" error, since the APC kiosk doesn't know what kind of labels are actually in the printer). All of these labels have a 1c denomination (otherwise at full postage rates this could easily cost several hundred dollars!). Below is a listing of all the inscriptions and what they mean. The photo shows all 29 labels (normally I scan these, but there are too many to fit on my scanner, so I had to opt for a digital photo instead). The listing below is from my 48 page exhibit about these items. The exhibit is available for download free of charge as a PDF file via a link from my APC website

英健专题集邮网 地址

Ying Stamp Co.
Address:Mr. LIN YINGJIAN Room 202 Building 23,Yu De Shan Zhuang,Ju De Jie,Jiangmen,Guangdong 529030,P.R.China
www.yjlin4.com    Email:yjlin4@vip.sina.com   Tel86 13427248248  Zip:529030
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